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2018-2019 Annual General Meeting and 2019-2020 Board of Directors

November 14th was our Annual General Meeting, where we recapped the year, and elected the Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 year. If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can check out the slideshow here: Annual General Meeting 2018-19. Our Annual Report will follow in the coming weeks.

We would like to welcome the new BoD:

President: Allan Johnson

VP League: Jason Murphy

VP Communications: Rachael Fitkowski

VP Spirit: Colin Martin

VP Finance: Vacant

Members-at-Large: Jill Henderson, Dana Howse, Jordan Kavanagh, Chris Downey, Rebecca Price, and Lesley Butler

A big thank you goes out to our outgoing board members, including Adam Drover, Jess Wade, Michael Walsh, and Gina Reid!