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All MZU games will follow the USA Ultimate (USAU) Rules of Ultimate, minus the exceptions below, and rules/policies described throughout this site. Any further changes will be explained as part of the specific league(s) description.

Read the USAU Official Rules of Ultimate

It is expected that players learn and understand the rules. Players must play an active role in making calls during the game.

  • All calls should be made loudly and clearly and in a positive manner.
  • No player or team is ever to be criticized because they choose to stick to the rules.
  • Strict adherence to rules should not be used to gain an advantage, such as making calls that positively affect your team while ignoring or unfairly contesting calls made by your opposition.
  • If needed, explain your call to the opposing player.
  • Games can be stopped momentarily to check or discuss a ruling and is not a delay of game.
  • Spirit points are given for sticking to the rules and for being open to learning the rules.

Exceptions to USAU Rules of Ultimate

1. Game Format

2. Time-outs and Halftime

  • MZU games are approximately 80-90 minutes in length and are played until one team reaches 15 points.
  • Halftime will occur when:
    • A team reaches 8 points.
    • A halftime cap will take effect if neither team has reached 8 points after 45 minutes (6:15pm for games starting at 5:30pm or 7:45pm for games starting at 7pm). At this point, the current point is finished. If neither team has reached 8 points, then one point is added to the score of the leading team (or both teams in the event of a tie), to determine the new halftime target. Halftime will then occur once that score is reached.
  • Each team is allowed only one 90 second timeout per half.
  • No timeouts in the last 5 minutes of a game.
  • Weather Timeout: if prior to the start of a game, the weather is deemed to be a potential issue for some players or result in series of long points (e.g., extreme temperatures, gale force winds, etc.), Captains can agree under the Captain’s Clause that if a point lasts in excess of 20 minutes a weather timeout will be called, and they can decide whether or not substitutions will be allowed during this timeout.

3. Foot Blocks

Foot blocks are allowed unless Captains agree not to use them under the Captain’s Clause.

4. Captain’s Clause

There are a number of exceptions in MZU leagues, Captains cannot make agreements that change the following:

  • Team/gender composition
  • Any rule which impacts the safety of the players/teams
  • Players serving a suspension
  • Players involved in physical alterations
  • Player eligibility (subs, age, etc…)
  • Game length and end time

5. Equipment

Metal cleats are forbidden in all MZU games.

6. Dangerous Play

A basic rule of Ultimate is that each player is responsible to avoid contact in every way possible. It is recognized that a certain amount of incidental contact will occur while playing. However, there is one rule call in Ultimate that supersedes all other rules; Dangerous Play.

Actions demonstrating reckless disregard for the safety of or posing a significant risk of injury to fellow players, or other dangerously aggressive behavior are considered “dangerous play” and are treated as a foul. The proper call in such circumstances is “dangerous play” and play stops. 

Dangerous play is considered a foul regardless of whether or when the disc arrives or contact occurs.The vast majority of dangerous play will involve contact between players. However, contact is not required for a player to invoke this rule where there is reasonable certainty that contact would have occurred had the player not taken steps to avoid contact. If a player feels that making a play on the disc poses a clear personal danger because of an opposing player’s intentional or unintentional dangerous behavior, reckless disregard for safety, lack of attention, or failure to use caution, that player may elect to call a Dangerous Play foul. Refer to the rules here to figure out what happens once a dangerous play is called.

Why did we implement this rule?

  • MZU is an adult recreational league, so while we want to foster competition and  have players strive for success, no one should play in a manner so as to risk the safety of any other teammates or opponent.
  • Like all rules, no one should use the dangerous play foul to gain an unfair advantage. We expect the rule to be used with spirit of the game in mind.

What is a dangerous play? While it is very subjective, here’s some guidelines:

  • Some things are dangerous: Charging into stationary players, not looking where you’re going, intentionally fouling. Etc.
    • Size matters: Ultimately, the size difference, regardless of gender, in a potential collision should be your significant concern. Will making the play against a smaller, less experienced player, likely result in that player being hurt?
    • Experience matters: With a wide range of skills in MZU, taking the experience level into consideration is important. Collisions between experienced players tend to produce fewer injuries than those between developing players simply due to the nature of how each experience level moves relative the field and other players. Take this into consideration when playing!
  • Some things are just unavoidable: Two players going equally hard towards a disc.

League Rules

MZU also has a number of specific rules that are enforced by the Board of Directors:

  • Teams can choose a name and logo for their team providing it is not offensive or discriminatory to a specific group or player in the league. Approval of names and logos rests with the Board of Directors.
  • When using an MZU-provided jersey, any additional logos being printed on them require approval by the Board of Directors, so shoot us a quick email and we’ll get back to you!
  • Drugs and alcohol are not to be consumed on fields at any time, nor should players ever play under the influence. Their use could result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the Board.
  • GoPro (or other wearable cameras) are not to be worn on a players body during a game. If a player wants to record a game, we recommend acting in good spirit and confirming this is ok with the opposing Captain.

Game Start & End Time

Start Time

Any point within 10 minutes after the start of the scheduled slot, as agreed upon by the captains.

  • For example, if the scheduled game time is 5:30, captains can agree to start anytime between 5:30 and 5:40, but MUST start by 5:40. If a team can not field a team at 5:40, they lose one point for every 5 minute delay.

End Time

Whichever comes first:

  • 5 minutes before the end of the scheduled slot (Time Cap). When this happens, the game ends at whichever occurs first.
    • the next point (if possession is not lost) OR
    • the next turnover
  • In 7 on 7 Leagues when a team reaches 15 points

For example, if the time slot is scheduled to end at 7:00, the game will end at 6:55, regardless of score. When the time cap is reached, the next point (if possession is not lost) or turnover (whichever comes first) will end the game.

  • You do NOT need to win by 2. Ties do exist in regular season games.
  • You can NOT decide as captains to play an extra point. This is outside the Captain’s Clause.
  • If there is a tie when time cap is reached during a playoff game, the next point wins.

Field & Team Composition

7 on 7 Outdoor

  • Team Composition: At least 14 players with a minimum of 6 female-matching players and 6 male-matching players.
  • Field Composition: 7 players – follow WFDF Gender Ratio Rule A and alternate between 4 male-matching/3 female-matching and 4 female-matching/3 male-matching players.
    • To start a game, a team must be able to field a minimum of 6 players, with 3 male-matching and 3 female-matching players.
    • Learn more about defaults here.

5 on 5 Outdoor

  • Team Composition: At least 10 players, with a minimum of 5 female-matching and 5 male-matching players.
  • Field Composition: 5 players – follow WFDF Gender Ratio Rule A and alternate between 3 male-matching/2 female-matching and 3 female-matching/2 male-matching players.
    • To start a game, a team must be able to field a minimum of 4 players, with at least 1 male-matching and 1 female-matching player.
    • Learn more about defaults here.

5 on 5 Indoor

  • Team Composition: At least 10 players, with a minimum of 5 female-matching and 5 male-matching players.
  • Field Composition: 5 players – follow variation of WFDF Rule “A” for speed point, playing one half with 3 male-matching/2 female-matching players and the other half with 3 female-matching/2 male-matching players.
    • To start a game, a team must be able to field a minimum of 4 players, with at least 1 male-matching and 1 female-matching player.
    • Learn more about defaults here.

6 on 6 Indoor

  • Team Composition: At least 10 players, with a minimum of 5 female-matching and 5 male-matching players.
  • Field Composition: 6 players – 3 male-matching and 3 female-matching players at all times.
    • To start a game, a team must be able to field a minimum of 5 players, with at least 2 male-matching and 2 female-matching player.
    • Learn more about defaults here.

4 on 4 Indoor

  • Team Composition: At least 8 players, with a minimum of 4 female-matching and 4 male-matching players.
  • Field Composition: 4 players – 2 male-matching and 2 female-matching players at all times.
    • To start a game, a team must be able to field a minimum of 3 players, with at least 1 male-matching and 1 female-matching player.
    • Learn more about defaults here.


When a game is defaulted, the Captains still need to enter the scores via the Game Reporting Tool and select ‘Forfeited’. The result is as follows:

  • The defaulting team loses 7-0.
  • The winning team gets a spirit score that matches the league average at the time of the game, and the losing team gets 0.

Teams can default in one of 3 ways:

1/ When a team plays an ineligible player(s) or breaks another major rule/policy as determined by the Board

2/ When a team does not have the minimum number of players ready to play the game.

7 on 7 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 30 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

5 on 5 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 20 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

6 on 6 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 20 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

4 on 4 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 20 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

3/  If a Captain fails to enter their scores within 36 hours for two consecutive weeks.

  • Prompt score entry helps with releasing a schedule on time. Failure to enter a score within 36 hours of a game ending is justification for a VP league to declare the second game a default.
  • If you are having technology issues, or your Captain is away, please contact



Zuluru Rankings

Zuluru is the web-based system MZU uses to schedule games, collect scores, rosters, etc! It is a web-based system and is accessible via the links on the left hand menu on the main page.  Sometimes our Leagues use a Zuluru rankings system to schedule/rank teams. It’s an algorithm based on the USAU college system. Here’s the downlow:
  • It’s a system that schedules games by matching up teams with similar rankings.
  • The computer figures out, based on your teams ranking and past scores, which team you should play to get the closest/most competitive game
  • Rankings are determined by your wins, losses, opponents (say a 15th ranked team beats a 4th ranked team, that would have a BIG impact on rankings), and goals for/against.
  • The rankings are adjusted after each week’s games scores are entered – then a schedule is formulated.
  • Wait, so will it work correctly from the very first game? No. At the start all teams have the same ranking score, but as the league progresses, just like with a tiered ladder, the ranking ladder should even out the playing field.
  • Will we always play the same team? No, you will play at least 4 different teams before you see the same team again.

Speed Point

Speed point is used primarily in Indoor Leagues and is described below.

  • There are only 2 pulls a game: at the start of the game and after halftime. Each team pulls once.
  • You keep your endzone for the duration of the half.
  • After a point is scored, play resumes from the end zone where the point was scored. The team that was scored upon may bring the disc up to the goal line directly in front of where the point was scored or to the centre of the end zone. After the disc is checked in, play continues from there.
  • Maximum 20 second delay between points. Play resumes when either: 20 seconds have elapsed, or both teams signal readiness through a check.
    • If 15 seconds have elapsed and the offense has not put the disc in play, then defense warns the offense and counts down from 5, after ‘ONE’ has been said aloud, the defense may call out ‘DISC IN’ and begin to count stalls.
    • If 15 seconds have elapsed and the defense is not ready, then the offense warns the defense and begins to count down from 5. After ‘ONE’ has been said aloud, the offense may call out ‘DISC IN’, touch the disc to the ground, and put the disc into play.
  • There is no maximum score.  Games will run for the entire timeslot.

Substitutions will be allowed “On the Fly”

  • Two flat cones are set up on the sideline to indicate the substitution zone for both teams.  Both teams will use the same substitution area.
  • Substitutions are to be made by tagging (touching) a teammate while you are both between the two cones marking the substitution zone.
  • Failure to tag-up in the designated substitution zone is a violation. The person marking the player leaving the playing area can call “foul – illegal change” if they believe an illegal substitution has taken place.  Following the call…
    • If the illegal change affects play, everyone returns to their positions and any advantage gained is corrected for. This would mean the player subbing off would return to the field and the change would be remade legally.
    • If the play is unaffected, the play stands.

4v4 Format

The 4v4 Variation follows the USA Ultimate Rules with the following exceptions:

  • Games are played by teams of 4 on the field with a gender ratio of 2 female-matching and 2 male-matching players.
  • The playing field size is a rectangle shape measuring 18m x 30m. Endzones are 3m deep (three 4v4 fields can be setup on one typical Techniplex Ultimate field).
  • Only 2 pulls every game: at the beginning of the game and after halftime. Each team pulls once.
  • Brick mark is set at 2m in front of the endzone line.
  • After a point is scored, the disc is left in the endzone at the spot in which it was caught. Play restarts in that same spot in the endzone (i.e., no pull after every point).
  • The team that was scored upon checks the disc in play once the defence is ready. Maximum 30 second delay between points. Play resumes when either:
    • 30 seconds have elapsed, or
    • Both teams are ready through a check.
  • If 25 seconds elapses and the offense has not put the disc in play, then defense warns the offense and counts down from 5, after ‘1’ has been said aloud the defense may begin to count stalls. If 25 seconds have elapsed and the defense is not ready, then the offense warns the defense and begins to count down from 5. After ‘1’ has been said aloud, the offense may put the disc into play.
  • Players may sub on on-the-fly.
  • 3-minute halftime at the scheduled midpoint of the game.
  • Teams switch sides at the half.
  • Teams have 1 timeout per half.
  • A timeout lasts 60 seconds; a timeout cannot be called in the last 5 minutes of the game.
    • If a timeout is called in the last 5 minutes, a turnover ensues. Before a game begins, the Captains should agree on a time piece if a clock is not easily visible from the playing field.