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Join the MZU Board of Directors!

Board members are a key part of shaping and executing the work of Mile Zero Ultimate. As a member of the Board of Directors you can bring forward your ideas to improve the league and take action to see them through.

Available Board positions include President, VP League, VP Finance, VP Spirit, VP Communications, and 6 Members at Large. You can read descriptions of each position on our social channels or in our by-laws here:

What’s the time commitment? Board members serve a one-year term starting in November. The full board meets approximately 6 times per year, and sub-committees may have one to two additional meetings. Since 2020, all meetings have been virtual. In addition to meetings, board members undertake various duties to ensure smooth running of MZU. The busiest times for the board are just before the start of different leagues.

Who should apply? People with a passion for making their ultimate community a better place. Players of all skill levels and with diverse expertise and lived experiences are welcome. Eligible nominees must have played in an MZU league in the past 18 months.

How does it work? Individuals can self-nominate or nominate a friend or teammate by completing the online form or by self/nominating in person at the AGM.

When is this happening? The AGM and the election of new board members takes place on November 25th at 7:30pm at the Quidi Vidi Taproom, 35 Barrows Road (Quidi Vidi Village).

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