Get ready for the 2022 Quidi Vidi Brewery Outdoor Fall Hat League!
Team Composition: 10 players, with a composition of 5 male-matching and 5 female-matching players per team (may change based on registration numbers).
Note: Hat teams are built to blend experienced, intermediate, and beginner players on each team, to try to achieve skill parity between teams and to allow newer players to learn from more experienced players.
- Field Composition: 5v5
- Fields: King George V Turf Field
- Format: Zuluru Ranking System, USAU+MZU Rules, pull after each point
- Team Building: Space for 18 teams (90 female-matching and 90 male-matching players), MZU Board Team Building
- Registration: Begins: Wednesday, August 17th, noon / Ends: Sunday, September 4th, midnight (or when full)
- Signup: Register as an individual or in pairs
- When: Sunday nights, games at 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm (55 minute games)
- Duration: 7 weeks – September 11th – October 30th (no game Thanksgiving Sunday)
- Cost: $35 per individual + applicable UNL fees
- Jerseys: NOT provided in Registration
Register Here!