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When a game is defaulted, the Captains still need to enter the scores via the Game Reporting Tool and select ‘Forfeited’. The result is as follows:

  • The defaulting team loses 7-0.
  • The winning team gets a spirit score that matches the league average at the time of the game, and the losing team gets 0.

Teams can default in one of 3 ways:

1/ When a team plays an ineligible player(s) or breaks another major rule/policy as determined by the Board

2/ When a team does not have the minimum number of players ready to play the game.

7 on 7 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 30 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

5 on 5 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 20 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

6 on 6 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 20 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

4 on 4 Leagues:

  • A team defaults 20 minutes into their time slot if they do not have the min # of players.

3/  If a Captain fails to enter their scores within 36 hours for two consecutive weeks.

  • Prompt score entry helps with releasing a schedule on time. Failure to enter a score within 36 hours of a game ending is justification for a VP league to declare the second game a default.
  • If you are having technology issues, or your Captain is away, please contact