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Summer Playoffs – Subbing Q&A!

We’re closing in on Playoffs for MZU’s Summer League so we wanted to clarify a few things around subbing to make sure things flow smoothly. Full details can be found on our Subbing Policy Page.

1: When can my team request a sub for a Playoff game?

Teams are only allowed to have subs so that they have a maximum of 5 open and 5 female matching players. You also cannot have more subs than rostered players for the game. (i.e.: You cannot have 3 female matching subs and 2 female matching rostered players. In this case, you can only have 2 female matching subs)

2: Who can sub for Playoffs?

Both Registered and Non-Registered players can sub for ONE GAME ONLY. The same person cannot sub for more than one game, even if it is with another team.

3: What do I need to do to confirm a sub for a Playoff game?

All playoff subs MUST be accepted by the opposing team captain and the league. Please include in your communication with the opposing team. Advanced notice is appreciated but we understand the nature of the playoff schedule will make this difficult.

4: My team used the max number of subs allowed during the regular season, are we still able to get subs for Playoff games?

Yes! The subbing cap was for regular season only.

5: How can I find subs for Playoffs?

If you need assistance with finding a sub, MZU has a subbing page on Facebook: Mile Zero Ultimate Subbing Page

6: What about the Score Penalty for late sub requests?

The score penalty that was in effect for the regular season is NOT in effect for playoffs. Last minute requests are still subject to confirmation and approval by the opposing captain and the league, as discussed earlier.

7: Anything else I should know?

All other standard subbing rules apply:

  • Subbing players must be equal/lesser skill level than the person they are subbing for.
  • Subbing players must be eligible (Paid UNL membership fee, 18+ by end of current year, not suspended from MZU or other UNL leagues).

If you have any other questions or need clarification, please contact

Good luck with your playoff games!

MZU Subbing Policy Update

Effective start of 2023 Summer League, we are updating our MZU substitute player policy.

There are some key changes from the previous version, so again we ask that you read carefully. If you have any questions at all, please email:

Why are we making these changes? Our reasons are many but here are some of the primary ones:

  1. To increase the available pool of players by eliminating individual ‘games played’ limits for players during the regular season.
  2. To allow registered players to sub in playoffs.
  3. To reduce the number of rescheduled games by enforcing roster compliance, as well as introducing a point penalty system to further encourage teams to provide a timely notification to the opposing team of any requested substitute players and ultimately play games as scheduled.
  4. To provide clear requirements on the expectations between teams and the league when requesting subs.

You can find the complete policy on our Subbing Page.

Thank You!

MZU Board of Directors