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Buy a Disc!

If you’d like to buy a disc, we have lots of our 10th anniversary discs for sale – only $15! Bring exact change and find Boardie Justin Frampton at the fields to get yours!

Summer League Forum

This is a forum to discuss and bring forward new ideas for how we run MZU’s biggest league. Maybe we’ll change things up, maybe we won’t, because we need to hear from YOU and what YOU want from it.

We always hear lots of great ideas, but the 11 minds on the MZU board can’t do it alone. WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Topics of discussion will include:

– Competition vs. Recreational
– Nights of the week we play on
– League structure
– Multiple games a week
– Fields

To ensure we get everyone’s opinions… we’re splitting it up into 2 sessions, please do your best to attend the one that applies to you.

6:30 – 7:50: Tiers 4-7 (or if you would yourself a “rec” player)
8:00 – 9:20: Tiers 1-3 (or if you consider yourself a “competitive” player)

In no way is one more/less important than the other, we just want to create collaborative atmosphere’s where our more competitive and rec teams can chat.

Call for Volunteers

MZU has a pretty small team of organizers, and to do bigger and better things, we need your help. Please email us at if you would like to lend a hand, tasks may include…

– Equipment/field maintenance
– Setting up fields
– Team building
– Merch delivery
– Technology/interwebs
– Other pretty general duties

Fall League News

Earlier this year, MZU asked members to fill out a Fall League Survey. With 50-ish responses, we got a lot of amazing feedback AND a lot of questions/concerns we felt the need to address. Read below or click on the link to read some Q&A on MZU and Fall League in particular.